Android ImageSwitcher with Gallery - Androhub

ImageSwitcher Using Gallery

Android ImageSwitcher with Gallery

A ImageSwitcheris a specialized ViewSwitcher that contains only children of type ImageView. A ImageSwitcher is useful to animate an Image on screen.

ImageSwitcher switches smoothly between two images and thus provides a way of transitioning from one Image to another through appropriate animations.


In this example i will demonstrate you how to work on ImageSwitcher with Gallery.


Let’s get start by creating a project in Eclipse IDE.

1. Create a new project in Eclipse by navigating to File ⇒ New Android ⇒ Application Project and fill required details. (I kept my main activity name as

2.  Create a layout file for under res ⇒ layout folder. I named the layout file as activity_main.xml. In this layout i had taken one ImageSwitcher and one Gallery.

3. Now, create an Adapter class naming for ImageView where we are going to display the Gallery images.

4. Now, add the following code to your In this java file we display the selected gallery images into imageswitcher.

5. Finally, run the app and you will get the output as shown in video.

Thanks. :)


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