Create Firebase Project

Create Firebase Project

What is Firebase? Firebase is a powerful tool which helps small and big business to grow. It provides a lot of services that can be used with any technology. Integrating Firebase services in any project is like a piece of cake. Many clients and developers out there still struggle to create a Firebase project. But

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Convert android project into library banner

Convert an Android Project into a Library

Have you ever run into a situation where you want to convert an Android project into a Library so that you can use it in your project? Why do we need this? We like some project which can be useful in our project but there is no library available for it. Instead of copy pasting

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Publish an Android Library

Publish an Android Library

In the previous article, we learned how to create an Android Library. In this article, we will learn how to Publish an Android Library. Benefits of Publishing an Android Library: Easy code management. One point of access to your library. Use the library in multiple projects. There are several places where you can publish an

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Create an Android Library

Create an Android Library

Android libraries play a vital role in Android application development. We use them in our day-to-day development. Every Android project consists lot of libraries which are nothing but our dependencies. Have you ever thought about how to create an Android library? Today we will learn to Create an Android library. What is Android Library? Android libraries

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Scheduling Tasks with WorkManager

In this article, we will learn how to schedule tasks using WorkManager. What is WorkManager? WorkManager is a part of Jetpack Components which provides the facility to execute or perform background operations seamlessly. Benefits of WorkManager: WorkManager executes works on the background thread which eliminates the creation of threads. But still, you can create a

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AI and Machine Learning Transforming the Landscape of Technology

AI and Machine Learning: Transforming the Landscape of Technology

Are you curious about how AI and Machine Learning are changing our tech world? Have you ever wondered how computers can learn and make smart decisions? Well, you’re in for an exciting ride! Imagine a world where machines understand us and help us in everyday life. How do they predict the weather or recommend what

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