May 2015 - Androhub

Sliding Drawer

Android SlidingDrawer (DEPRECATED)

SlidingDrawer represents a widget, where we can use in our Android applications. SlidingDrawer has the ability to hide and/or appear content when the user drags a handle. More specifically, it includes two basic views: the handle where the user can drag. the hidden content that is associated with the handle and it is shown up

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Expandable ListView

Android ExpandableListView

Expandable list view is used to group list data by categories. It has the capability of expanding and collapsing the groups when user touches header. If you are not aware of list view before please refer to this tutorial Android ListView Tutorial. As seen in the Custom ListView we can use a type of array adapter

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Android SeekBar

  Android SeekBar is the extension of ProgressBar. SeekBar allows the user to change the value using touch event/draggable thumb/left right arrow keys. SeekBar has a thumb that can be slided in order to choose a value between 0 and some maximum that can be set from the developer. The user can increase the value by

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AutoComplete and MultiAutoComplete TextView

Android AutoComplete and MultiAutoComplete TextView

Android AutoCompleteTextView completes the word based on the reserved words, so no need to write all the characters of the word. Android AutoCompleteTextView is a editable text field, it displays a list of suggestions in a drop down menu from which user can select only one suggestion or value. Android AutoCompleteTextView is the subclass of

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Rating Bar

Android RatingBar

A Rating Bar is used to show rating in Stars.The user can touch/drag or use arrow keys to set the rating when using the default size RatingBar. Example In this example I will show you how to implement RatingBar in Android. VIDEO DEMO Let’s get start by creating a project in Eclipse IDE. 1. Create a

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Android ProgressBar

What is Android ProgressBar ? Progress bars are used to show progress of a task. For example. When you are uploading or downloading something from the internet, it is better to show the progress of download/upload to the user. ProgressBar in Android is a graphical view indicator which shows some progress. It shows a bar

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